Since 2010, we have championed positive youth development and spearheaded several major campaigns in Australia, advocating for the interests of the Assyrian community.

The Young Assyrians (TYA) is a dynamic youth-led organisation committed to the advancement of the cultural, political, and social interests of Indigenous Assyrians. Our mission is to empower Assyrian youth through advocacy, community engagement, and education on issues impacting the Assyrian nation in their Traditional Homeland (Assyria) and around the world.

We actively engage with various policymakers, ensuring that the voices of the Assyrian community are heard and considered in legislative and policy-making processes. Through strategic advocacy and lobbying efforts, we work tirelessly to influence decisions that impact our community, striving for positive change and fair representation.

Advocacy and lobbying are crucial components of our mission. They enable us to address systemic challenges and protect the rights of our people. By engaging with stakeholders, both locally and globally, we build stronger and more robust Assyrian communities.

This collaborative approach allows us to effectively address the diverse needs of our community and work towards a brighter future for Assyrians everywhere. Our partnerships with various organisations, governments, and community leaders are a testament to our dedication to this cause.